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Do you know the application of D-sub connector?

Do you know the application of D-sub connector? About D-sub Connector Applications - servo motor systems. D-sub connectors are widely used, of which the industry with a huge amount is the servo motor system. In general, the servo motor is actually part of the servo system. The servo system exchanges signals such as mechanical displacement, mechanical [...]

2024-02-28T07:10:53+00:00February 28th, 2024|Categories: FAQ, PRODUCT FAQ|Comments Off on Do you know the application of D-sub connector?

Do you know how to use the display cable?

Do you know how to use the display cable? I will describe below how to identify each important cable used in a computer monitor. 1.VGA (also known as D-Sub 15, db15 connector)   For: Connecting PCS, monitors, HDTVS and video projectors   Its performance and use are similar to: component VGA   It works with: Mini-VGA, [...]

2024-02-22T09:23:06+00:00February 22nd, 2024|Categories: FAQ, PRODUCT FAQ|Comments Off on Do you know how to use the display cable?

What are the connector contact terminal materials?

Connectors' contact terminals play a crucial role in ensuring accurate and reliable transmission of signals and data. Connectors come in various types and sizes, and each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Gold-plated connectors: Gold-plated connectors have gold plating on their contact terminals, which makes them highly resistant to corrosion and improves conductivity. They are [...]

2024-02-22T06:47:56+00:00February 22nd, 2024|Categories: FAQ, PRODUCT FAQ|Comments Off on What are the connector contact terminal materials?

SCSI Connector—high bandwidth, stable transmission, compatibility, and ease of use

The Standard for Connecting Computer Peripherals SCSI Connector is a standard interface that is widely used to connect various computer peripherals such as hard disks, optical drives, scanners and so on. There are two types of SCSI connectors – internal and external. Internal connectors are typically integrated with the motherboard or interface board of the computer while [...]

2024-02-21T09:23:31+00:00January 15th, 2024|Categories: FAQ, PRODUCT FAQ|Comments Off on SCSI Connector—high bandwidth, stable transmission, compatibility, and ease of use

SM-6P (1394 6P) Male Soldering Type Servo Encoder Plug – Stable Connection, Efficient Control

In the modern industrial field, achieving precise motion control and data transmission has always been a significant challenge. The SM-6P (1394 6P) Male Soldering Type Servo Encoder Plug is a reliable and efficient solution. With its outstanding performance and excellent features, it has become the top choice for many engineers and technicians. Whether in automation equipment, [...]

2024-01-11T04:04:08+00:00January 11th, 2024|Categories: PRODUCT FAQ|Comments Off on SM-6P (1394 6P) Male Soldering Type Servo Encoder Plug – Stable Connection, Efficient Control

What is the difference between M8 connector and M12 connector?

In the classification of connectors, connectors that are mainly used in the industrial field are called industrial connectors, and the most used in industrial connectors are M12 connectors and M8 connectors. Generally speaking, in daily life, the M12 connector is often mentioned at the same time as the M8 connector. From this point alone, it is [...]

2022-11-22T02:30:00+00:00November 22nd, 2022|Categories: PRODUCT FAQ|Comments Off on What is the difference between M8 connector and M12 connector?